So the time I've been counting down to for weeks finally came yesterday afternoon.
After taking a test, turning in a huge project, taking my car that blew up Monday night to the shop, going to the doctor to find out why I had been feeling so lousy for weeks, cleaning my car and my room and finally packing my bags...
and it couldn't have come at a better time.
I even got to stop in Troy to see my BFF4L Amy for a little while.
ps. I hope you're reading this like I told you, because here's your shoutout! :)
I really can't remember not being best friends with Amy. Actually I don't remember never not knowing her. You know how people say you have those friends that you can go for years without seeing or talking to but when you do meet again you always pick up right where you left off? Well that's how we are.
Since we live three hours apart we're lucky if we get to hang out for more than a few hours a semester if that. So that made my day of driving home even sweeter!
But anyway, today I was thinking as I woke up in my OWN bed (yess!) about how coming home has changed over the years since I've been gone. I remember my freshman year I made it the week of majorette camp and almost two weeks of classes before hopping in my Jeep and zipping south down I-65. As one of my friends helped me load my bags in my car on my first trip back home, he told me that coming home may help me feel better and escape the pressure I was feeling with being in a new place, but in the end I would just find out that I'm the one changing. I didn't take it for much at the time, but now that little conversation is proving to be true every time I come home.
Of course I realize this isn't a ground breaking discovery or anything. Everyone knows that time changes everything. It's just so crazy to sit back and think about how my life has played out right in front of me, and I hardly ever notice. In the past two and a half years I've learned more about life, relationships and myself than I ever thought I could, but I never even realized it at the time.
After coming home that weekend my freshman year, I realized that life would never be the same as it was during the 18 years I lived here. All my friends were now off at college making new friends and lives just like I was. My parent's were still here of course, as well as my church and a few familiar faces, but I felt different. I felt at home, because I was at home. But inside, I knew something had changed. Going back to UAB that weekend I realized that I was moving on and growing up and I had to deal with it.
Time was changing and I was changing too.
So driving into Dothan last night I reminded myself of this. Coming home is always a treat, and always will be. I have literally worked myself into being sick and mom is always up for movies, manicures and hopefully this weekend a nice little day trip to PCB to help my vitamin D deficiency I found out about. right? ;) But no matter how much I look forward to coming home, I can't stop life. I can't rewind back to 2008 and try to avoid the obstacles I'm facing.
I learn something everyday about life and how to live it. I've learned about friendships and relationships. I've made some amazing friends and I realize I've lost some others. I'm learning what makes ME happy. I'm learning about my own attitudes and actions and how to control them. I've started looking at real jobs that I would enjoy, and I'm learning how to prepare myself for them. I've learned how to be healthy. This week, I learned once again how far I could push myself physically. I've made goals. I've reached goals.
But most of all, I've learned that God is in control of all the above. I am a witness of having faith in God and trusting in his plan. When I have been completely lost, he guides me home. When I have been sick, he heals me. When I have made mistakes, God forgives me and still loves me.
Times are changing. Home is changing. I am changing.
But God NEVER changes.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
So with that I'll end with a big "Bye Y'all" from Dothan. I've already had my round in the awful traffic, ate at one of my favorite restaurants and decided that while I was in getting my haircut I may or may not have been sitting next to one of those awful "Bama Belle" chicks from that TV show that had it's stint on TLC. But anyway! Now I'm going to eat lunch with mom, run the trail and work on my routine a bit.
It feels so good to be home! ahhhh! :)
It feels so good to be home! ahhhh! :)
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