


It's finally the weekend! woohoo. This week wasn't as hectic as it could've been, but I've started on a couple of projects that aren't due for a few weeks, so I feel pretty productive. If there is one thing that I'm really really awful at it's procrastinating, but I'm slowly overcoming this problem. But anyway! I can't think of anything too exciting to write about, so I'll just give you a little rundown of what is currently going down in my life. Some of it is exciting, but that may just be me. At least I'm excited about what's going on in my life, for the past few months that's been hard to come by. So here goes....

1. School! woo! I'm actually enjoying all my classes now, with the exception of Lit. It's awful. I hate reading, so that's been difficult. But as for all my other classes... I'm in love. For those of you who didn't know, I just changed my major to journalism from graphic design. I love art and design, and always will. In fact the other night I spent hours just looking at design blogs, posters, tutorials and other stuff. However, it takes a special person to work in the design business, and I slowly and miserably found out that I was not that person.
**For those of you reading this in college or going into college, you shouldn't hate your major classes!**
You shouldn't. They will be difficult, and hard, and you may go through a few, or many all-nighters. But when you look for excuses to miss class and put off projects over and over, you may not be in the right place. I think the hardest thing for me was accepting and finally telling my parents that I wasn't happy. But my parents have this really weird thing where they can read my mind and know exactly what is going on in my life. When something isn't quite right my mom can spot it after talking on the phone for 2 seconds. So after a weekend at home they knew exactly what was going on. It took hours of sitting down with them and the entire UAB undergrad catalog, but I finally decided that I needed to change majors. I dropped my graphic design class and started planning the next step. So now I'm in journalism classes and I am so much happier. College is hard. There's a lot of adjusting, growing and a lot to learn, but the most important thing is learning what makes you happy. It is what you will be doing for the rest of your life, and that is kinda huge. :)

2. I'm training for a 5k! or 10k!  and hopefully, this will eventually be a half and full marathon! But I'm taking baby steps. I have always loved running, and being able to train for this is really exciting. Also it's a long story for another day, but one year ago an injury kept me from running at all. I had surgery, and I couldn't walk or run long distances for almost 4 months. So being able to run without pain is one of the best feelings in the world.

3. Grad School! I feel like this title should maybe even be... Grad School!?????? It's just a little something I've been thinking a lot about lately. But I must admit looking at all the programs I could go into with what I'm getting a degree in is really exciting. Even though it's really dim I feel like I can start seeing the light at the end.

4. Home. I just really want to go home. Sad, i know. But I've been thinking about home a lot lately. I miss it. :(

5. Majorette Tryouts! I'm making up my own routine this year. Which is fun, but really hard. I'm enjoying twirling so much more now, especially after also not being able to twirl after my surgery. I finished the first half of it yesterday, and I love it. ahhh! I'm so excited! It's going to be really cool.

6. oh! it snowed this week. and a lot. Like I said before, I moved on campus again, but this snow was fun. I looked at it in a different light after getting all my bad feelings towards it out during my last post. haha.

7. I think that's all. Now I'm going to go run, grab a bite to eat, come home and paint. All my friends are out of town, so it's me time!!! woohoo for time by myself. love it.

happy friday.

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