

life is good.

Here's the long promised pictures that have been coming for a few days of one of the best weekends ever. :)

first up! flying kites. :)


So Friday afternoon my brother called me and told me we had VIP tickets for the Widespread Panic concert that night... for free! I'm not your usual "spread head" as the term goes, but who doesn't love good music, dancing, glow sticks and being in a room with thousands of other incredibly happy people? 
No wonder these guys have such a following, the concert was the best therapy session I could imagine.


my best friends.

first, but definitely not last.

Later that night I met my friends at a friend's bowl-dancing birthday party, had girls night on Saturday and then on Sunday went to supper club cookout and buddy's birthday! 
(didn't get any pictures of the rest of it... oops!)

Ohhhh. life is so good. 

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