

inspiration time.

Being an art minor (or ex-art major) I've had my fair share of art history classes. 
Asian art, european art, modern art... you name it I could probably tell you about it.
But sometimes it's hard to get interested in well... art. I love it. but let's get serious.

But when I was assigned a project to write a paper on a contemporary artist of my choice I actually got excited! 
#1: I get to write a paper! I don't admit it much to avoid strange stares and comments... but I honestly love writing papers. ha. i know. don't judge me. 
#2. I get to pick an artist of my choice!! Not one assigned by the teacher or an exhibit from bma. My own choice! Of course being the procrastinator I am I've spent the past three weeks researching artists trying to decide which one to choose... my proposal is due tuesday! and I still haven't decided!! 

I don't know if this is my man or not... but I'm kinda loving his work. 

These aren't titled soo... these are just some paintings by Joshua Petker. Actually some of his cleaner work :/ but I'm loving the colors, composition, attitude, etc. etc. it's just all pretty cool stuff. 

And who doesn't love audrey???

Well have a lovely weekend! Much love. :)


Midweek Music Obsession.

It's my favorite time of the week!!!

and this week I almost feel as if I'm cheating on my music, because honestly it is my favorite TV show... but honestly. it's amazing.

This week's obsession is....


If you haven't seen the show. You're missing out.
If you haven't heard the music. You're not living yet.
If you don't like it, we're not friends.

just kidding, kinda.

but really. 
it's awesome. and the two original songs from the last episode were absolutely amazing.
Here they are! Enjoy!

Have a great wonderful Wednesday!


YouTube Tuesday!!!!

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes;
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes;
funny you-tube videos that leave me laughing,
These are a few of my favorite things!

One of my friend's favorite things to do is sit around and show each other funny youtube videos. 
Of course there's the old classics like "BLOOOD, NOT FUNNY!!!", Glozell videos or one of my all-time favorites, kittens inspired by kittens.
But the one I'm showing today ranks in one of the most amazing things I've ever seen in my life... ever. 

baby monkey!!!

caution: it can be highly addicting and will get stuck in your head.

I also apologize in advance if you don't find this funny, I have a very light sense of humor. :)



a little testimony.

#1! I know I haven't posted in a while. Life has been crazy, overwhelming and totally uninspiring right now. So I've been struggling to get 1. time to write 2. something... anything to write about. Crafty blogs and shopping posts can only go so far, right? 

#2! I actually can't believe people read this thing. What was supposed to be a little school project has turned into something being read all over the world! and I almost have 800 views in a month & 1/2! crazy! So thanks to whoever out there is actually reading! (ps. feel free to leave feedback or give an idea on something to write about.) :)

#3. I'm getting honest with you now. And it's about to get deep. Life has been really hard lately. I know I've mentioned in other posts about being a christian, and sometimes I feel like all I do is complain about how hard my life is... but this is one of those times that I honestly don't know what I would've done without having God to have faith in and rely on. 

But this isn't the first time I've been here, and I know for sure it won't be the last. 

In fact, last year at this same time of the year I went through one of the biggest struggles I had ever been through. I've mentioned the injury I had before and I had planned on blogging about it on the one year of the surgery... but that didn't happen! So here it is! :)

Extremely long story short: 
1. the worst pain ever in my left hip area... equivalent to stubbing your toe 100 times in a row.
2a. my dad, 3 doctors in Dothan, 1 doctor in Nashville, 1 athletic trainer in Nashville and another at UAB, and 2-3 more doctors in Birmingham.
2b. around 8-10 xrays, 6ish mri's, 4-5 injections.
2c. almost 5 different diagnoses
3. One doctor's appointment to get diagnosed... another to schedule surgery.

and to save you the pain and disgust of describing exactly what was wrong...
this happened. 
It's gross. I apologize.
 A sports hernia. 
It's not the same as a real hernia, and you can't feel it, which makes it even harder to diagnose.
But the little circle above was torn... on both sides.

So on March 8 2010, I went in to have surgery and on March 9 2010, I woke up and realized the next few months and weeks were going to take everything I had to survive. The only good thing was that I got to sleep all the time, where ever and as long as I wanted to. 

For almost the next two months I couldn't do some of the things I enjoyed doing most in life. I had a terrible limp when I walked for 6 weeks, I couldn't walk to class, up or down stairs, get in or out of bed without help, carry anything over 5 pounds and I found a new respect for people with true handicaps and a disgust for people who park in handicap spaces without a permit. 

But the day I went to the doctor and got cleared to run, then eventually twirl and finally this February, do anything I wanted, I felt overwhelming joy and excitement. But it wasn't without some more pain that I got back to where I am now, actually doing whatever I want to do. The hours in physical therapy, walking the swimming pool and limping around the track at the rec made me question several times whether this whole procedure was worth it. 

But now being able to go run, twirl, dance, jump up and down, go to my new obsession pure barre, or anything else I want to do without the pain I had before is TOTALLY worth it.

In a kind of way, and I know it's a stretch, but this can help me picture my relationship with Jesus Christ. 
With my injury, I was hurt and had no chance of getting better than a major operation. And with God, I was a sinner. An injured, hopeless sinner. I had no hope at a fulfilling life without giving my life, heart, soul, everything to him. 

I had pain, hard times, times of doubt and days when I would break down and cry because I couldn't do something I wanted to do so bad. With God we experience pain, heartache and loss. But it's all in his plan. God sent his only son to earth to die for us. Sinners. He went through the intense pain of a crucifixion. But did it all for us to eventually trust him to get us through our hard times also. How would we know how awesome God was if we never had struggles to rely on him and trust in him to get us through? The way I see it, this was just one of my struggles God planned in my life to show that I can trust him.

But now! I can do anything I want! I'm free from the pain of the injury and the surgery. With God, we are free from sin, slavery, death or disappointment. I'm no longer a slave of Satan, but I'm a bond servant to Christ. I'm free to live my life with him, for him and dance, twirl, run, do whatever I do by giving him the glory. And it's not just a metaphor or example, my body may have healed the same if I didn't believe in God as it did since I do believe in God. But the days when I couldn't get out of bed, the all-nighter I had to go through 10 days after surgery to finish a project that was assigned when I was recovering, the times I watched other people twirl and run when I knew I couldn't, and even the doubt I had before my surgery when I was wondering I would ever be able to run or twirl the same or even have children one day if I did have the surgery. That's when God came through. That's when I was hurt and depressed and losing hope, when God wrapped his arms around me and let me lean on him. God's unfailing love and faithfulness is what kept me going.

It's as simple as that. God's love for us is so far beyond our understanding and knowledge. As hard as you question and make excuses and theories and explanations, he's still there and he's still loving you. No matter your doubts or struggles or times when you fight and resist, he's still there. No matter how you've sinned or fallen away, he will accept you with loving arms. He will help you through anything whether it's a hard test, surgery, divorce or death. Our times of weakness are the times when he shows his strength. Tell me my Jesus isn't real, and I'll show how you're wrong.

Isaiah 40:31
but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles;they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Love, Carrie. :)



i have a bit of a dilemma....

So after talking with people at work I have officially decided to take part in lent this year.
Since I was raised Baptist, I had friends that did lent every year but I was never really aware of what it really was all about, but after finding out more about it and going through a few options of what to give up, I eventually settled on one that will most definitely be a challenge and I think my mother will actually be pleased with. 

From now until Easter, which is officially TWO WHOLE MONTHS, almost, I will not buy any clothes.  at all. 
besides an Easter dress. 
but that's a different story.

so there it is. 
This should help with my finances and definitely be a sort of sacrifice for me, since a weekly trip to the sales rack at old navy between my art history class and kickboxing on Thursday has become a sort of tradition.

But as always, I know I will have weak moments and today was one of them... ahhh.
Thank goodness for online retailers.
No, I didn't buy anything... but I did totally go "window shopping" at few different places.

ooohhh how I hope my little plastic debit card is preparing for the week after Easter. Hopefully I will have saved up enough to soften the blow... or this break during lent will calm my urge. But we can only hope.

So for the window shopping... here's a few things my eyes caught and thank goodness my conscious caught me too. This type of post may be coming more often. just a warning. :)

one of these little babies. from etsy.

this lovely little sundress.

a skirt that is already my favorite piece in my future wardrobe...

and voila! my mom hates! these kinds of bags... with a passion... 
but I disagree. You can never have enough bags that keep your hands free, hold pretty much anything you want, and look super cute while doing it. :)

the three above are from Forever 21
yep, i'm a cheap-o.

So that's that. 

ps. I don't think me buying anything for myself for lent means I can't accept little gifts, right? ;)

have a lovely day!


DIY Project. Numero Uno!

So I didn't plan on posting my first crafty project this soon... and it's not that big of a deal.



and it's not too bad. 
(in my opinion at least. haha)

and voila! 

this would be a yo-yo flower bobby pin. 
and I made it all by myself! 
and some help from a youtube tutorial.

When I told my mom earlier I was going to make yo-yos tonight she excitedly said... "but I wanna come have fun!" and she was right! They are a lot of fun. Also, I never realized how relaxing sewing is. I didn't prick my finger or draw any blood so I'm calling it a success.

the finished project!
(excuse the other bobby pin mess everywhere)

I'm planning on wearing it to work tomorrow too!

Well that's all folks! 
Hope you enjoyed my first little creation. :)

gettin' down and...crafty?

Before I started writing a blog for my news writing class, I had always been a fan of reading blogs. Most of  my favorites are craft, fashion and design blogs and every now and then it's fun to find a blog of a new family with pictures of their growing children chronicling new habits or funny things they are learning to say or a person traveling the world with pictures and stories of beautiful places and their adventures. 
I feel like I sound creepy and stalker-ish right now. 
But honestly blogs are a great way to learn a new hobby, follow a friend on a journey or keep up with family in a different part of the country. 

When I started writing my own blog I realized what a big responsibility keeping up with it is. I always loved reading blogs, but the thought of starting my own was a little overwhelming. But now that I've started, I absolutely love it. So I'm hoping the same thing will follow suit when I try my first crafts! 

Painting and other artsy things have always been something I've enjoyed doing, but when it comes to actually creating and crafting... I'm not so good. It has lead to quite a collection of paint, paper, and other nic-naks from my art major days, but now I'm taking charge and I'm determined to
1. make some cute/neat projects
3. work on my crafty skills by learning/re-learning how to sew, knit, and create other things.
4. make something/get rid of my HUGE artsycrafty collection that is slowly and surely taking over my room.

So, without further ado! I will now start my journey of making... well whatever I can make up of the mess of my arts and craft collection. If they are not too embarrassing I will try to post my end product and maybe even some pictures and instructions along the way. Wish me luck!

tres amour et bon nuit!


Midweek Music Obsession.

So since my car was broken down last week I got to borrow my brother's car for a day, it was then that I was introduced to some of the best music. ever...

Mumford & Sons!

I realize I'm around six months behind the bandwagon, but I'm totally in love with all their music. The majority of their style is acoustic, but eventually they break down into what several reviews call "hoedowns", which pretty much makes it even that much more awesome. I'd recommend Little Lion Man or After the Storm
