

DIY Project. Numero Uno!

So I didn't plan on posting my first crafty project this soon... and it's not that big of a deal.



and it's not too bad. 
(in my opinion at least. haha)

and voila! 

this would be a yo-yo flower bobby pin. 
and I made it all by myself! 
and some help from a youtube tutorial.

When I told my mom earlier I was going to make yo-yos tonight she excitedly said... "but I wanna come have fun!" and she was right! They are a lot of fun. Also, I never realized how relaxing sewing is. I didn't prick my finger or draw any blood so I'm calling it a success.

the finished project!
(excuse the other bobby pin mess everywhere)

I'm planning on wearing it to work tomorrow too!

Well that's all folks! 
Hope you enjoyed my first little creation. :)

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